4 ways Roadmap Pro helps Consulting firms deploy change quickly for clients

Posted by David Miller

In a fluid and rapidly changing environment managing and delivering client change is challenging and getting change "done" is proving difficult. And getting the right digital tools and skills out to your remote consulting teams virtually - regardless of their location - is critical to ensure you keep your change efforts for clients going right now. 


Here are 4 key ways that Roadmap Pro can help you do just that.

  1. Assess change risk upfront. Remotely and in real-time

At the start of any project it is essential to understand the impact the change will have on people and their readiness to change.

But that can be challenging. Particularly when you, and your clients, are remote.

Roadmap Pro allows your teams to: 

  • Use intuitive diagnostics to quickly set up and send assessments
  • Provide a multi-lingual workforce the option to respond in their own language
  • Automatically collate responses in real-time for review 
  • Segment & benchmark data against our extensive change database in a few clicks
  • Use proven tactics for impact risks and lack of readiness in your plan
  • Build program and organisational benchmarks to review and track over time
  1. Ensure you deploy the change virtually

It's one thing to build a change management plan.

It's another thing entirely to ensure it gets implemented with clients – and that you build commitment inside the client organisation for the change.

Roadmap Pro includes a proven method to ensure your client plans are delivered locally and enables you to:

  • Build commitment and change skills in middle and front-line managers – quickly and virtually
  • Provide online support to build commitment and help teams adapt to business changes or the introduction of new technology
  • Track change progress using real-time, simple assessments online 
  • Increase the speed of change and accelerate the commitment of client teams
  1. Build an effective plan to engage people

One of the toughest tasks in any change is engaging the people who have to change in the process.

Roadmap Pro includes proven plans for involving, communicating, rewarding and learning and enables your Consulting teams to:

  • Leverage a complete set of templates and editable online implementation plan
  • Benefit from pre-populated, proven actions that you can edit and add to change plans
  • Quickly clone successful plans and create a library for use 'firm-wide'
  • Share data online with executive, steering or program teams within the firm or with clients via the Dashboard
  1. Work with leaders inside your clients on the big picture

Managing client sponsors can be the hardest part of any project.

Done badly it can also become distracting and time-consuming. The Dashboard functionality in Roadmap Pro helps your teams proactively manage sponsors and:

  • Automatically collates your assessments and plans into one headline view
  • Provides instant views on Change Management progress in real-time
  • Stops you producing slides or spreadsheets and focus on working with people
  • Answers almost any question with a couple of clicks 

Need to get going with a client change project? Talk to us now

If you need to be delivering change virtually for clients and have a specific project to deliver - talk to us about getting started quickly, easily and with minimum risk with a Roadmap Pro package that includes:

  • an initial team-based, project license approach
  • rapid on-boarding and training to enable your teams to be effective immediately
  • comprehensive support for your Consulting team

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David Miller
Posted by David Miller

David Miller is the Chairman and Founder of Changefirst, a global training and consulting organisation which specialises in Organisational Change Management. He has helped organisations successfully implement major change for the last 25 years. Initially as a Senior Executive for American Express and more recently with clients ranging from HSBC, BT, Roche Pharmaceuticals and The Linde Group. David was a regular speaker at a range of Change and Transformation events globally on key industry themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change Management.

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Tags: consulting companies, change management consulting, virtual change management consulting

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