The current high levels of disruption are challenging Change Leaders like never before.
4 key Change Management trends to look out for in...
Now that 2020 has drawn to a close, we take our annual look at some of the trends we see shaping Change Management in the coming year.
Why digital is the key to effective Change...
As organizations shift their focus from simply reacting to the initial disruption caused by COVID-19 to taking a more focused approach to addressing the business challenges they face - delivering...
How to Use Data to Create Effective Dashboards...
We often get asked the best way to report on the progress of change projects and programs. Our quick answer is: use data.
Building effective change leadership in your...
Change leadership has always been an important component of implementing successful change. But the need for effective change leadership and the role of leadership in organizational change has been...
Benefits of a flexible, people-led approach to...
For organisations to realise the full benefits of change, they must focus on managing people’s behaviour, skills and commitment to deliver successful implementation - and that must be led by people...
The evolving role of HR in agile organisations:...
As organisations move towards a more agile mindset and operating model, the role of supporting functions, such as Human Resources and Finance, also need to adapt to the new way of working.
How do I help my senior sponsors take an ACTIVE role in implementing organizational change?
This webinar is for any change leader who needs to help their senior...
The Importance of Effective Change Leadership in...
Brexit, the new Trump Administration, EU instability - reading the news each morning I am struck by the number of changes we are seeing in such a short amount of time.
Why Tracking Change Management Risks Will Help...
Sustained levels of employee commitment, along with visible changes to behavior, is the ultimate goal for implementing change; any type of change. Barriers to commitment and behavior change are the...
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