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Video: How to successfully align your Change...

Posted by Audra Proctor on Sep 8, 2020

There was a time not so long ago when change was more manageable and you had the luxury of time – to manage maybe 2, 3 or 4 big projects at any one time. Fast forward to now and the...

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(Infographic) 4 Reasons to Get Change Management...

Posted by Audra Proctor on Aug 18, 2020

With all of the change and disruption right now there has never been a better time to get Change Management Trained and Certified - to help you stand out in your organization and chosen field.


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6 Critical Success Factors for implementing...

Posted by Audra Proctor on Aug 13, 2020

Without proven Change Management processes, it is very difficult to consistently achieve the organization’s change goals.

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3 principles for helping people adapt to change

Posted by Audra Proctor on Dec 12, 2019

It is a given – not only that organisations need to deliver more business-critical change solutions - but also true that change fatigue and burnout is on the increase. 

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