Introducing e-change®

Posted by David Miller

I am pleased to announce the launch of our online business change application, e-change®. In summary, e-change is a complete suite of change processes, tools, resources, and e-learning in a single, business application. It enables change managers to deliver and affect change quickly, and can be adopted without the need for costly offsite training and meetings,  allowing you to maximise your resources.

So, why have we launched e-change? Because we have had many conversations with clients and change stakeholders, who, like ourselves, recognise a need for a more efficient way of enabling and delivering change. Furthermore, we have, for sometime, been looking at ways to make our tools and processes accessible to a wider audience. Change managers told us they couldn’t always access our methodology because they either had budget restrictions or they simply needed immediate access to tools and processes and could not wait for the next workshop.  We also wanted to provider greater choice for how people interface with us. e-change allows us to deliver an alternative to pure face-to-face workshops, our users can now use workshops, online or a blended approach of the two.

Free trial

For those of you who would like to test the benefits of e-change, we are offering a 14-day no obligation of the trial. Visit our trial page to sign-up. We hope you find it valuable. If you are interested in a longer-term test, in return for a reduced fee then please contact us here

David Miller
Posted by David Miller

David Miller is the Chairman and Founder of Changefirst, a global training and consulting organisation which specialises in Organisational Change Management. He has helped organisations successfully implement major change for the last 25 years. Initially as a Senior Executive for American Express and more recently with clients ranging from HSBC, BT, Roche Pharmaceuticals and The Linde Group. David was a regular speaker at a range of Change and Transformation events globally on key industry themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change Management.

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Tags: change management, Change Management, Change Agents, Change Community Online, Change management tools, Change Methodologies, Change methodology, Change tools, Change training, Changefirst, Changefirst News, e-change, e-learning, General, Innovation, PCI, Personal Adaptability, Project management

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