How to select a change management methodology #1

Will it meet your business needs and is it value for money?

When selecting your change management methodology, be clear on what you see as the outcome for the business. This is first and foremost; is it to build organisational change capability or improve production process?

Remember that you will have to communicate any change to your staff, and it's likely that one of their first questions will be "why are we doing this and how does it fit with where we are going as a company?"  So, are you comfortable with how the methodology is structured, and can you clearly map the path to project success?

In a cost constrained environment, such as we are currently experiencing, you want to see as quick a return on your investments. So, your organisation obtains the maximum benefit from the methodology you select? Furthermore, look beyond the pure cost of the service, and assess other critical factors:

  • resources (people and time)
  • fitness for purpose,
  • timeliness
  • convenience

In summary, consider the economic, efficiency and effectiveness factors of any change management methodology before you start deploying it to implement change.

Question taken from 'How to select a change management methodology' quick guide.

Tags: Change Management, Change Management methodology, Change methodology, change value, How to.., how to select a change management methodology, Project management, project management value for money, selecting a change methodology, Strategic implementation

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