We know that psychologically this is all to do with people feeling loss of
control and disruption. But what triggers these feelings? Over the years, we
have identified five main triggers for resistance.
1. People feel their future security could be threatened
2. They will be negatively impacted financially
3. People’s work relationships change
4. Changes are made to their levels of responsibility
5. The learning curve for the new role is too steep
We know that, psychologically, resistance to change is to do with people feeling a loss of control and disruption. But what triggers these feelings? Over the years, we have identified five main triggers of change resistance.
1. People feel their future security could be threatened
2. They will be negatively impacted financially
3. People’s work relationships change
4. Changes are made to their levels of responsibility
5. The learning curve for the new role is too steep
Resistance is an inevitable companion of major change, and of managing change, so we have to learn to mitigate its causes and then help people adapt.
This is an excerpt from an article entitled 'Reducing resistance to change' which appeared in our May 2009 Newsletter.
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