City of Stockholm perfectly illustrates a vision for change

As we know, building commitment to change begins at the level of the individual and their decisions and behaviours. Well, the City of Stockholm, like JFK before them, have set out their long term change vision of becoming a fossil fuel free city by 2050.

That's a way off, I here you cry. However, the City of Stockholm has raised the public awareness of what its needs to achieve and by when. Implementing a change initiative of this scale is no mean feat, and Stockholm has done two things very well:

1. It's provided its audience (residents, local businesses, commuters) with very clear directions on what it wants to achieve.

2. It's clearly identified that the situation needs to change, reinforcing this by speaking to the emotional side of people "if x doesn't change y will happen".

Whether Stockholm achieve this target remains to be seen, yet this project perfectly illustrates the critical importance of public awareness in delivering successful change initiatives.

Tags: a vision for change, building a commitment to change, Case Study, Change Management, change communication, change implementation, change management case study, change management success case study, change vision, commitment to change, Communication, fossil free city 2050, Project management, Strategic implementation, successful change implementation

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