(Change Insights) Key findings of the Power of Change Data annual research survey 2018


At Changefirst data has always had a central role to play in the planning, implementation and tracking of major change programs. However, this is now getting even more emphasis as we utilize our digital platform to help our clients deliver change programs more simply, collaboratively and effectively.

As we have done each year for the last 20 years, we have taken time to assess the trends and indicators that our database of over 45,000 change practitioners and almost 700,000 data points is telling us about the state of change implementation globally. Including providing practical recommendations to overcome the issues identified.

And, the results make for interesting reading– all of which is available in our new ebook Using Real-Time Data to Drive Your Change Decision-Making.

For example - Almost half, 48%, of people across different industries feel that their organization is overwhelmed by too much change and lacks the focus to deliver business critical projects in a sustainable way.


Source: Change Demand Assessment in Changefirst database April 2018.

Over the next few weeks we will review the findings in more detail but, in advance of that, we wanted to give you a flavour for some of the headline themes we uncovered as we began to dig into the data itself, including:

  1. How leaders can help when employees are overwhelmed by change programs
  2. Data on why many employees accept change but don’t become committed
  3. A look at the top 5 change risks that contribute to low commitment
  4. An assessment of how commitment builds over time
  5. Consideration of what leaders should focus on to build commitment
 More on all of this over the coming weeks – but if you want this information now then you can download the ebook here.

Tags: Change management data

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