Changefirst appoints Transformational Life Solutions as partner in the Caribbean

Posted by Audra Proctor

Changefirst is delighted to announce the appointment of Transformational Life Solutions (TLS), led by CEO Cordell Williams-Graham, as a Full Delivery partner in the Caribbean.

Under the terms of the agreement, TLS becomes an exclusive provider of our People Centred Implementation (PCI ®) Change Management training, certification and solutions locally. 

As Audra Proctor, CEO of Changefirst explains “Cordell and the team at TLS share the same passion as Changefirst to equip leaders and their teams with the skills, tools and techniques they need to be better at delivering continuous change. We believe that his – allied to their deep local and cultural understanding in the Caribbean market will help us to accelerate our expansion there”. 

Listen as Cordell talks a little bit more about the partnership and plans for the region.  










About Transformational Life Solutions 

CordellWilliamsLogov2TLS is a training, life, and business coaching and change consulting company in Jamaica - and led by Mrs Cordell Williams-Graham. Cordell and her team have spent the last eight years helping their clients to build capability and resilience for change and transformation needed realize real sustained growth in their chosen markets. Their practical solutions and Cordell personal drive, skills and proven talents as a Change Maker have generated real results for organisations across the Caribbean.  


Continued plans for partner expansion at Changefirst 

Changefirst continues to look to develop partnership with like-minded individuals and businesses inChangefirst_logo_Hubspot a number of categories including:  

You can find out more here.

Audra Proctor
Posted by Audra Proctor

Audra is CEO at Changefirst and has over 27 years' experience of enabling organisations leaders and their teams to deliver complex Organisational Change. She leads an amazing, diverse team of highly experienced multi-industry Change Practitioners, Consultants, Coaches, Trainers, Technology Experts and trusted Strategic Partners to help organisations to deliver more effective Change through their people. Audra is a regular speaker at events focusing on Change and Transformation globally on a number of key themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change and Transformation.

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Tags: change leadership, change management expetise, agile leaders, agile change, agile change managment, change leadership example, leading cultural change, changemanagement, management

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