Video: How to quickly upskill your organization and build Enterprise Change Management (ECM) capability

Posted by Audra Proctor

In an increasingly high velocity world of change, we believe strongly that change has to be everyone’s business. Wherever people are – around the world in global organizations – they all have an essential part to play in the change process, if you are going to achieve the Enterprise Change Management Capability you need.

So how do you ensure your organization gears up successfully for the challenge?

Listen to Audra Proctor – CEO of Changefirst – as she explains how:  

  • Getting the right skills, tools and analytics to people, where and when they need them is key
  • How a digital change capability enables organizations to gear up quickly and to move fast
  • How assessing both change management maturity and digital maturity are key as you deploy your ECM strategy

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Based on our proven approach it enables you to build change management capability, increasing collaboration and employee engagement - all in a highly cost effective and scalable way.

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Video transcript

For the last 25 years we have been helping organizations to be ready to deliver change effectively in this high velocity world of change. From our perspective, change needs to be everybody's business. You know, wherever they are around the world in global organizations, they have a part to play in change. And so how do we help them gear up? Well, a few years ago we decided to roll our capability up onto a digital platform, because with a digital platform we can get the skills and the tools to the people where they most needed when they most need it so they can be effective and they can play their part within the change process. So in a high velocity world, we use or digital capability to allow an organization to gear up quickly and to move fast.

For the last 25 years we have been helping organizations to be ready to deliver change effectively in this high velocity world of change. From our perspective, change needs to be everybody's business. You know, wherever they are around the world in global organizations, they have a part to play in change. And so how do we help them gear up? Well, a few years ago we decided to roll our capability up onto a digital platform, because with a digital platform we can get the skills and the tools to the people where they most needed when they most need it so they can be effective and they can play their part within the change process. So in a high velocity world, we use or digital capability to allow an organization to gear up quickly and to move fast.

I guess there's some challenges here. You know, it really depends on where the organization is starting from. We need to understand, you know, how mature they are in terms of change management. You know, how do we best help them? And because we're using a digital platform, we also need to ask the question of how mature they are in terms of the use of digital platforms. So from a change management point of view, you know, we want to understand is it just rudimentary for them, you know, does their project management just include training or communication? Is that where they're starting from? You know, maybe it's just that, you know, change management is deployed when you have big business critical initiatives. So it's inconsistent in its application, maybe that's where they're starting from.

And then if we look at the digital side, you know, are these guys accustomed to using digital platforms. Are they using 365, are they using HubSpot, are they using Salesforce, in which case we have a different approach to supporting them. So there is a challenge I guess, you know, in different organizations they're starting from different places and we just adapt or approach based on where they're starting. The digital platform is of great benefit to organizations. You know, it enhances their reach. It enhances their credibility with the organization and the business areas of their support. But what we're finding is that some of our traditional users are the ones that are struggling the most. And so what we have to do as we're working with these organizations is help them build not only their change management maturity but they're digital confidence.

So let me give you a couple of examples. Just imagine that you have an organization that has low change management maturity and low digital maturity. The way we're working with them is that we start with a small team. We start with a small team, we start with a small team with real projects because what we need is proof of concept. You know, onboarding for that type of organization has to be face to face. It has to be a face to face workshop and we have our experts who are able to deliver that. Then what we need them to be doing is using the output from the platform, the dashboards, the tools to start to build leadership support for a digital approach to change management. And that's very different to if we're working with another client who has higher digital confidence where you know, we're starting with internal super users because they're accustomed to working with digital tools, onboarding might even be virtual because they're accustomed to that. You know, you have these super users who we would train as internal trainers, internal coaches who are able to work with digital users.

I'd like to highlight four key benefits for organizations and their teams of using our approach. The first one is that, you know, we are providing people with a proven set of skills, analytics and tools and they're tailored to the roles inside the organization. But you know, it all comes from the same source, the same methodology that has credentials in the marketplace over the last 25 years and it's well researched. The second benefit I want to highlight is that, you know, we have a capability, particularly with the digital platform that can enhance engagement and collaboration on major projects for an organization. You can have people all around the world who are able to work collaboratively on the same project. We can share projects, we can clone and distribute pieces of work that people need to undertake, so there is an enhanced level of engagement of the organization during major change.

My third benefit is about credibility. Practitioners using this digital platform are more credible in the businesses that they support because they can operate at speed, they can operate at scale, and they're more focused, they're more precise. They have plans to get started with, they are able to pick what is most relevant for their businesses. They know when to flex and when to hold the discipline. And finally, I suppose ultimately, the benefit is that we're increasing success rates. You know, organizations who are working with us are able to deliver more, change more successfully in a cost effective way.

Audra Proctor
Posted by Audra Proctor

Audra is CEO at Changefirst and has over 27 years' experience of enabling organisations leaders and their teams to deliver complex Organisational Change. She leads an amazing, diverse team of highly experienced multi-industry Change Practitioners, Consultants, Coaches, Trainers, Technology Experts and trusted Strategic Partners to help organisations to deliver more effective Change through their people. Audra is a regular speaker at events focusing on Change and Transformation globally on a number of key themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change and Transformation.

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Tags: Enterprise Change Management, organizational change managaement, ecm, organizational transformation, change management maturity, change planning

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