Why change management data is the key to your success

Posted by David Miller

At Changefirst we believe that change management data is a core component that underpins the 6 change management Critical Success Factors (CSFs).  It is data that provides projects, sponsors and executives the basis to:

  • make informed decisions
  • identify key gaps and focus areas
  • benchmark and adjust actions, and
  • proactively manage risks

From a planning perspective, if we don’t learn from past experience, then it is difficult to improve our results in the future. And similarly, if we aren’t clear what is going on today, we cannot adjust our approach in “real-time” to make it more effective.  Anecdotes and qualitative information are a good start to understand what has happened in the past and present; but accurate data provides a much more solid baseline from which to make decisions.

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In our blog series during September we will be sharing with you our experiences of working with change data for more than 20 years, and help you identify how best to incorporate change management data into your projects.  As a practical example, we will focus on the key area of communications and work through how to collect and use data to improve the effectiveness of your change management communications.

Join us during the month as we discuss:

  • The importance of change management data
  • Using data to improve the effectiveness of your change management communication strategy
  • Proactively managing communication risks with data
  • A recent case study on how data helped a client gain executive buy-in and improve the success of their change project

Plus, we will be giving our readers access to our exclusive change management assessment tool: the Communication Effectiveness Assessment.

More of this later but meantime - did you miss our series on the 6 CSFs?  Learn more about both the Organizational level success factors and Local level success factors in our July and August blogs on "aligning local and organizational change factors" and "how local managers play a critical role in creating an adaptable organization".

Looking for more information on change management data right now?  Why not read "The Power of Data Reports" and "The Power of Data Reports 2" to understand what 20 years of data tells us about change management.  Or contact us to discuss how Roadmap Pro can help you capture and compare live change management data in your organization.

Download a complimentary copy of our Power of Data Reports

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David Miller
Posted by David Miller

David Miller is the Chairman and Founder of Changefirst, a global training and consulting organisation which specialises in Organisational Change Management. He has helped organisations successfully implement major change for the last 25 years. Initially as a Senior Executive for American Express and more recently with clients ranging from HSBC, BT, Roche Pharmaceuticals and The Linde Group. David was a regular speaker at a range of Change and Transformation events globally on key industry themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change Management.

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Tags: Change management data

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