Today, I discovered this fascinating video about the reality of motivation and the role rewards and incentives play.
Anne-Lise MacKenzie
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Change management and austerity
We are about to publish the results of our ‘flash’ survey on ROI and change management. Fascinating stuff it is too. It gives some great information on the inputs and outputs of the change process....
Help us to find the ROI for Change Management
We quite often get asked the question: "What is the ROI on change management?" Understandably, people want hard data which demonstrates that an investment in change management actually pays off. So,...
How well do you know your change communications...
In this month’s newsletter from Changefirst, David looks at the power of communication and how this underpins a successful change vision and builds commitment to change. JFK set out an incredibly...
Join us for a webinar during April
Whether you are an experienced change agent or change management is your latest project, you may be interested in our series of free webinars during April.
The importance of dealing with project failure as...
I came across this interesting article on PM Hut this morning which gives consideration to how to deal with the consequences of project failure. It was interesting to me because we are in the process...
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Online, on-demand change management tools - try...
I find increasingly that I am coming to rely on online tools to get through my day in my marketing role. Whether it is using our online CRM system or checking web based activity on Google Analytics...
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