Our top 10 change implementation blog posts of 2019

Posted by Audra Proctor

If you are a regular follower of the Changefirst blog you will know that we share quite a bit of content with the community about all things change – and change implementation in particular. But we also realise that people are busy and that you might have missed some of them along the way.


So, what are the posts and topics that have been getting most attention since the start of this year? Well - agile change management, ECM and the personal dynamics of change are very much top of the list.

Read on, as we uncover our very own top 10, starting with the most popular first.


#1 - How to Incorporate Change Management into Agile Projects

One question we are often asked by our clients is how do they incorporate change management when they are using an agile project management methodology. We take a closer look at why the agile environment lends itself to an ongoing change management approach.

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#2 - What is Agile Change Management? A definition.
In this post we create a working definition of Agile Change Management itself. We also take a look at a few Agile myths we come across on an almost daily basis and their impact on people’s view of the role of Change Management in an Agile environment.

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#3 - Enterprise Change Management: Assessing change maturity

Understanding where you are right now is as important as identifying where you are going. When planning your change management maturity journey, recognizing your organization’s change management strengths and weaknesses will give you solid grounding to move forward.

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#4 - The Personal Dynamics of Change

When J.P. Garnier, the former CEO and Chairman of pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), was interviewed about executing change, he said, “Getting people to change – one by one – is the only way to change organizations. After all, every change is personal”.

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#5 Data driven change management-1

#5 - Essential Change Management – How to Manage a Downsize

Downsizing is one of the hardest change management challenges a leader has to face. The underlying reason could be positive or negative, but generally the workforce perceive downsizing as negative organizational change. .

EffectiveChangeLeadership#6 - Building effective change leadership in your organization

Change leadership is important to implementing successful change. In fact, through the years we have seen that effective change leadership is central to successful change management. 

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#7 - Developing effective change management sponsorship

We have had the privilege of working with some amazing change leaders over our careers. While trying to grasp the essence of what makes a great change management sponsor can be difficult, we have found that there is a common set of skills and traits that make great sponsors.

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#8 - Infographic) - How Agile is turning Organizational Change Management on its head

One of the key topics that is a recurring theme in our discussions with clients right now is how Change Management can support an Agile approach to delivering projects.

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#9 - Making a strong case for change

n 1969 one of the most complex change projects ever attempted was completed successfully with the words, “Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed”. 

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#10 – 6 Critical success factors for implementing change that sticks

We’ve previously talked about the value gap that is created between installation vs. implementation of a change project. .

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Well, that is the run-down on the top 10 but there is also plenty more research, insight and practical tips to enjoy on the blog itself here




Audra Proctor
Posted by Audra Proctor

Audra is CEO at Changefirst and has over 27 years' experience of enabling organisations leaders and their teams to deliver complex Organisational Change. She leads an amazing, diverse team of highly experienced multi-industry Change Practitioners, Consultants, Coaches, Trainers, Technology Experts and trusted Strategic Partners to help organisations to deliver more effective Change through their people. Audra is a regular speaker at events focusing on Change and Transformation globally on a number of key themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change and Transformation.

Find me on:

Tags: change management research, Organizational Change Management

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