Our top 10 change implementation blog posts of 2017

Posted by David Miller


As 2017 draws to a close we thought it would be an idea to take a look back at the blog topics that have piqued your interest this year.

We have picked out the 10 most read blog posts (listed below) and the themes make for an interesting read. Alongside some core Change themes around engagement and capability building, it is clear to us that agile change management, the impact of data and change management dashboards are creating strong interest.

We will be exploring those more deeply in 2018 but for now we will leave you with the top 10 posts from this year and wish you and your organization a happy and prosperous New Year.

 1) How to Incorporate Change Management into Agile Projects

One question we are often asked by our clients is how do they incorporate change management when they are using an agile project management methodology... 

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2) 7 ways to build effective change management capabilities in your organization

To build sustainable change capabilities in an organization you need to do more than simply train people. As most of you know traditional training can lead to very poor learner retention rates and even more damagingly to very low application rates. So, the key challenge is to move change management from being training-led to being a consistently used business application...

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3) Organizational change: Agile projects require an agile culture

Over the last year, more and more of our clients have been talking about an agile culture as their source of competitive advantage.  They found that this change in culture required new organizational and leader behaviours to enable the new agile operating model...

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4) Engagement Drives Successful Change Management

Implementing change is about people.  Successful change management is not just about doing things to people (telling them, changing their teams, changing their systems) but about enabling, fostering and encouraging people to do new things.  Creating that sense of engagement will result in ownership of the change which in turn drives successful change...

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5) Change management big data: a recent client case study

Over the last 3 weeks we have been discussing change management data and specifically how to use big data; with a focus on how this can improve your change management communication strategy. This week we wanted to share a recent project we undertook with one of our clients where the use of the Communication Effectiveness Assessment (CEA) tool gave them real data that they used to decide how to alter their communication strategy.  The end result - they managed to take concrete action to turn around a struggling business transformation...

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6) Data driven change management: 5 insights to help you implement change that “sticks”

Learning from the past, from others, from both successes and failures is critical for future success. Rather than just rely on case studies and success stories, we draw upon our database of change management data to provide keen insights to help improve your change management capability and implement change that “sticks”...

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7) Is your change management capability missing the agile bus?

Being agile has become an imperative of the modern organization.  More and more of our client organizations are using an agile framework to support their development and innovation.  This adds a new challenge for change management capabilities as they themselves need to adapt to this new way of working...

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8) Being agile in a digital world: a change management view

Digital is impacting companies across the globe as they face increasing pressure to change to meet industry and consumer demands.  The imperative for rapid change is countered by the need to continue to focus on reducing costs.  Change leaders need to adapt the way they approach change management in order to support their organization...

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9) How to Use Data to Create Effective Dashboards for Your Change Projects

We often get asked the best way to report on the progress of change projects.  Our quick answer is: use data.  Our slightly longer answer is: use a change management methodology that allows you to easily measure and track your key success factors through the lifecycle your change projects...

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10) Enterprise Change Management: Assessing change maturity

Understanding where you are right now is as important as identifying where you are going.  When planning your change management maturity journey, recognizing your organization’s change management strengths and weaknesses will give you solid grounding to move forward.  This understanding allows you to map out what you need to tackle to increase your organization’s ability to deliver consistent, successful change...

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Happy reading and all the best for 2018. 

The Changefirst team

David Miller
Posted by David Miller

David Miller is the Chairman and Founder of Changefirst, a global training and consulting organisation which specialises in Organisational Change Management. He has helped organisations successfully implement major change for the last 25 years. Initially as a Senior Executive for American Express and more recently with clients ranging from HSBC, BT, Roche Pharmaceuticals and The Linde Group. David was a regular speaker at a range of Change and Transformation events globally on key industry themes including Agile Change Management and the use of digital in Change Management.

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