Changefirst is thrilled to announce another strategic regional partnership for Changefirst, this time with ochouno® in Mexico.
Video: Can Project Managers Make Great Change...
To be effective in delivery, Project Managers need the tools, skills and capabilities to easily align and integrate Change Management activities with their projects. So, can they make great Change...
Unpacking Imperative for Change – why the...
Getting to a shared understanding of the real context for Change, is an essential part of building the right foundations for Change and Transformation success.
3 key questions to ask when you need to make...
It is a given that organisations are living in a world full of increasing levels of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
Meet the team: Rick Charlton, Changefirst...
At Changefirst, our purpose is to equip leaders and their teams with the skills, tools and techniques they need to be better at delivering major Organisational Change.
Meet the team: Luz Olmos, Changefirst Associate
At Changefirst, our purpose is to equip leaders and their teams with the skills, tools and techniques they need to be better at delivering major Organisational Change.
6 recurring Change Implementation lessons from...
As part of our regular PCI® Practitioner training workshops attendees are encouraged to share their experiences of working with the methodology.
4 tips for creating a successful Change...
ChangeCommunications are at the heart of all Change projects. Yet, many companies forgetthe needs of employees as they plan their Change Communications strategy.
Changefirst appoints Transformational Life...
Changefirst is delighted to announce the appointment of Transformational Life Solutions (TLS), led by CEO Cordell Williams-Graham, as a Full Delivery partner in the Caribbean.
Change Management and achieving parity for women...
In November 2022 – Remembrance Day to be exact – we co-hosted a conference in London all about Change and Transformation which celebratedwomen leaders and entrepreneurs in that space.
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