All of us have experienced it. You have a well thought through plan that will transform your organization, get rid of inefficiencies and ensure a healthy bottom line. You have even put some thought...
Managing your reorganization: it’s an...
It is important to remember that from your organization’s point of view a new organizational structure might not be as clear cut as you see it. In fact, in most cases, even the smallest...
Stuck on how to grow your change capability?...
Being faced with the prospect of introducing, and building, a change management capability can be daunting. Where do you start? How can you plan for something where you don’t know what the end target...
The importance of leading change in a digital...
The world as we know is continually changing. Being on the front foot and proactively leading your organization in an ever changing business landscape is becoming one of the key challenges for the...
How Organizations Prepare Themselves for...
Is the Digital Era Here to Stay?
By Audra Proctor, Head of Learning & Development, Changefirst and co-author of Enterprise Change Management
The Changing Face of the Program and Portfolio...
By Audra Proctor, Head of Learning & Development, Changefirst
ROI Is an Elusive Beast!
By Audra Proctor, Head of Learning & Development, Changefirst
Why Project Managers Need Enterprise Change...
By David Miller, CEO, Changefirst
Restoring Competitive Edge through Operational...
By Audra Proctor, Head of Learning & Development, Changefirst Tweet
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