Over the last 3 weeks we have been discussing change management data and specifically how to use big data; with a focus on how this can improve your change management communication strategy.
A Recent Client Case Study on Change Management &...
5 key pitfalls to avoid in your change management...
Communication during change is often seen as one of the easiest things to do. But it is also one of the easiest things to do wrong. If you have been following us for a while you will know that we are...
The power of change management data to improve...
Communication is one aspect we always see in change management plans. But how effective is your communication? Are you hitting the mark? Do people believe and understand your key change messages? We...
Why change management data is the key to your...
At Changefirst we believe that change management data is a core component that underpins the 6 change management Critical Success Factors (CSFs). It is data that provides projects, sponsors and...
Maintaining performance through strategic change
The measure of a successful change project is not only having the planned changed implemented but also sustained. Maintaining the organizational, and therefore individual, performance and commitment...
Develop strong personal connections to change &...
Individuals that have a personal connection to a change are more likely to accept, and even move to being strongly committed to, the change. Change requires people to change their actions and...
Effective change leadership through committed...
Driving successful change means balancing the local and organizational factors. Committed local sponsors can help you drive through local change while you are focusing on aligning and cascading the...
How local managers play a critical role in...
Our world has become one of continuous change. We don’t just expect change, we know that managing change successfully is essential for survival. An adaptable organizational that can stay ahead of the...
Get your organizational engagement processes to...
Creating, and maintaining, a powerful engagement process is the third organizational level critical success factor (CSF) for delivering successful business change. An effective engagement process...
Creating effective change leadership in the face...
We all wish change was easy, but more times than not it is a tough job. Being an effective change leader when faced with resistance and a challenging change environment might at times seem...
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