Mastering the art of changing rapidly and effectively is a critical factor in gaining competitive advantage and digital is at the forefront of the revolution that is taking place in businesses across...
A 10-point guide to choosing a digital change...
Across the sectoral spectrum, we now witness digital transformation taking the lead in business development. That is why, if your business is looking to gain a competitive edge, it is crucial for...
How Change Management is key to unlocking product...
We all know that effective implementation is what our customers value. With great implementation of your technology your customers are more likely to renew their licences, invest more technology and...
Why a digital solution is an essential part of...
In a recent blog - How digital tools are changing the pace and reach of change management – I talked about how the impact of disruption on businesses has been immense as they try to adapt to...
Why getting started with digital in change is...
An excellent recent article from McKinsey on how digital solutions pose new and unique challenges to the implementation of major change efforts set me thinking about the opportunity around the use of...
How Roadmap Pro will accelerate your access to...
In our most recent post in this Roadmap Pro series we took a detailed look at how Roadmap Pro can put data at the heart of your change management and implementation strategy by giving you the...
How Digital Tools are changing the pace and reach...
In our last book,Enterprise Change Management– published by Kogan Page in early 2016, we identified seven major industries that had been significantly disrupted in previous years.
Our top 10 change implementation blog posts of...
As 2017 draws to a close we thought it would be an idea to take a look back at the blog topics that have piqued your interest this year.
Put data at the heart of your change...
In our last post in this series we took a detailed look at how the innovative change planning functionality inside Roadmap Pro enables you and your teams to quickly create, collaborate and deliver on...
Introducing Roadmap Pro our revolutionary change...
Changefirst is delighted to announce the launch of Roadmap Pro – our revolutionary change management SaaS platform for project teams, enterprises and consulting firms. It’s a powerful business and...
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