As high levels of disruption continue to provide challenges for the way that change is planned, implemented and assessed in organisations, Change Leaders are having to call on all of their experience...
4 key areas of focus for adaptive Change...
The current high levels of disruption are challenging Change Leaders like never before.
4 key Change Management trends to look out for in...
Now that 2020 has drawn to a close, we take our annual look at some of the trends we see shaping Change Management in the coming year.
Our top 10 Change Management blog posts of 2020
As 2020 draws to a close we take our annual look back at the 10 blog posts that got most attention on the blog this year.
A heartfelt “thank you” from us this festive...
KeyedIn guest post: Overcoming the People...
Colin Gibbins is the Product Owner at KeyedIn Solutions and an avid advocate for Agile Portfolio Management practices.
Change training: 4 key tools to help you keep on...
Many Change Management training courses only include training time. And when your course ends the learning ends.
But we appreciate fully that it is what do you afteryour training - to deliver more...
How to Communicate Change Successfully
In our experience, people can get confused about the purpose of communication inchange. The primary use of communication in change is to create clarity. You have to ensure that everyone at least...
Changefirst Announces Partnership With KeyedIn to...
Webinar: The Adaptive PMO (in partnership with...
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