As far back as 2012 we started researching the changing role of the Change Agent (or Champion or Manager).
The importance of personal resilience in...
Individual and Team Resilience are essential cornerstones for building the change-related capacity needed to deliver on your transformation goals.
Are you ready for the opportunities and...
As businesses and organisations gear up for what is likely to be another busy and challenging year in 2022, many of them are taking stock of their readiness for the journey ahead.
3 key Change Management trends to look out for in...
2021 was a challenging year for Change Management professionals who had to continue to work around ongoing business disruption - more or less as part of their daily workload.
5 key tips for building organisational resilience
If recent levels of disruption have taught us anything it is that businesses need to expect the unexpected.
News Roundup March 2020 - including adaptive...
Welcome to our latest news round-up. Here we take a look at several key topics including getting started with digital, 4 key implementation trends and key change risks.
5 key building blocks of effective Change...
Delivering successfully as a leader on your change agenda right now is challenging. Against a backdrop that combines unprecedented personal and organizational change.
So how do you set yourself and...
Infographic: 6 key considerations for adaptive...
As leaders continue to lead their teams through a period of unprecedented change, they face a wide range of challenges as they try to deliver projects against a backdrop of uncertainty.
4 key personal competencies of adaptive Change...
As high levels of disruption continue to provide challenges for the way that change is planned, implemented and assessed in organisations, Change Leaders are having to call on all of their experience...
4 key areas of focus for adaptive Change...
The current high levels of disruption are challenging Change Leaders like never before.
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