(Infographic) The digital transformation of...
How to deliver virtual Change Management to...
Why increasing organisational resilience to...
Organisational resilience is a crucial characteristic of any business. And at times of major disruption, it comes into even sharper focus.
Video: How Technology Companies can evolve their...
Many technology companies are going through a period of unprecedented change as they:
Video: How to successfully map your Change...
WhereAgileis the development and business delivery mechanism inside an organisation Change Management has to be adjusting and aligning itself – taking an Agile approach to Change Management. It...
Video: How COEs can align their existing change...
The role of many Change Management COEs (Centers of Excellence) is changing as organizations increasingly move to an agile approach to change management.
Video: How to quickly upskill your organization...
In an increasingly high velocity world of change, we believe strongly that change has to be everyone’s business. Wherever people are – around the world in global organizations – they all have an...
Video: How to successfully align your Change...
There was a time not so long ago when change was more manageable and you had the luxury of time – to manage maybe 2, 3 or 4 big projects at any one time. Fast forward to now and the...
Video: Why consulting firms need to take a new...
Consultancies are increasingly focused on helping their clients meet the challenges of digital transformation but they are increasingly having to change the way they do this – by becoming more...
Video: The business of change is changing
The pressure from digital transformation and the race to reinvent business processes - with shorter and shorter timescales and more change to manage - means that the sheer pace and volume of...
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