The importance of rewards when creating a...
7 December Changefirst is presenting at Managing...
Recently we’ve had a lot of interest from the public sector and because of this we’ve decided to get involved with the upcoming event, Managing Change, which takes place next Wednesday 7 December at...
"A C-suite guide to building organisational...
Many thanks to all who participated in our recent webinar, "A C-suite guide to building organisational change capability."
Upcoming Webinar: A C-suite guide to building...
An increasing complex and volatile business environment has put the need to manage change more effectively at the centre of the agenda for many organisations.
How to manage the 5 triggers of resistance to...
Psychologically, resistance to change is all to do with people feeling loss of control and disruption. But what causes people to feel this way?
Successful Change – focussing firmly on the...
When David Miller, founder and Managing Director of specialist change management provider Changefirst, began to plan his new book Successful Change he was adamant he didn’t want to write just another...
The importance of involvement
In change implementation, powerful engagement processes are designed to foster commitment, encourage new behaviours and teach new skills.
What three monkeys told us about culture
There is a supposedly true story about the results of some research into animal behaviour that perfectly illustrates the primary challenge we face with cultural change.
Changefirst signs partner agreement with leading...
Changefirst is pleased to announce that it has signed a partnership agreement with leading organisational change management and training company Dextera in the Latin American market. Under the terms...
Using resilience to improve change performance
It is interesting how some people when faced with disruptive situations tend to "bounce back" while others tend to flounder. Both groups will experience the same fear and apprehension when faced with...
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