We have a digital change management solution we call Roadmap Pro and it really is a suite of integrated capabilities which your team can access via a single sign on to deliver more change faster and...
Video: Tech companies – start delivering more...
Customers are now looking for technology companies to help them achieve measurable business outcomes. So, they're pressurizing those companies to implement their products versus installing them. And...
Video: 5 ways Roadmap Pro will help you deliver...
If you are responsible for delivering your organization’s major business change programs we have got something that will transform and simplify the way that you plan and deliver change – ensuring...
4 key Change Management & Adoption trends to look...
As we get back to our desks after a well-earned break it seems like an ideal time to take a look forward into 2020 – and identify some of the Change Management and Adoption trends that we believe...
4 key Change Implementation trends to look out...
As 2018 draws to a close we take a now annual look forward at some of the key trends we can see developing in change implementation in the next 12 months.
Our top 10 change implementation blog posts of...
If you are a regular follower of the Changefirst blog you will know that we share quite a bit of content with the community about all things change – and change implementation in particular. But we...
3 principles for helping people adapt to change
It is a given – not only that organisations need to deliver more business-critical change solutions - but also true that change fatigue and burnout is on the increase.
The crucial role of change assessment data in...
In the early part of this series on data driven change management we have previously taken a look at:
Why change legacy and change impact are essential...
In our first blog in this Data series, we looked at 5 ways that data-driven change management can transform the effectiveness of your change initiatives.
Revolutionize your client relationships and fill...
We know - from our discussions and work with other consulting firms - that you are operating in a highly competitive market where clients are increasingly demanding measurable business outcomes and...
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