Change leadership has always been an important component of implementing successful change. But the need for effective change leadership and the role of leadership in organizational change has been...
Announcing our Australian PCI® Change...
We are pleased to announce our Australian PCI® Change Practitioner Programme workshop for March 2019. Ian Roughsedge from Change Synergy will be taking the workshop and is looking forward to helping...
Deploying your Enterprise Change Management...
Once you have developed your Enterprise Change Management (ECM) roadmap, identifying the steps on your journey to a more mature organizational change capability, then comes deployment. Developing and...
Enterprise Change Management: Assessing change...
Understanding where you are right now is as important as identifying where you are going. When planning your change management maturity journey, recognizing your organization’s change management...
Enterprise Change Management: Making Change Your...
Embracing and building an Enterprise Change Management strategy provides organisations with the agility and resilience needed to cope with the fast pace of change faced in all industries in today’s...
The evolving role of HR in agile organisations:...
As organisations move towards a more agile mindset and operating model, the role of supporting functions, such as Human Resources and Finance, also need to adapt to the new way of working.
Agile Projects Require an Agile Culture |...
Over the last year, more and more of our clients have been talking about an agile culture as their source of competitive advantage. They found that this change in culture required new organizational...
Is your change management capability missing the...
Being agile has become an imperative of the modern organization. More and more of our client organizations are using an agile framework to support their development and innovation. This adds a new...
Lessons from the field: Poor change leadership...
Effective sponsorship is so critical during organizational change, especially when undertaking a major business transformation. This week we look at a recent client case where the sponsorship network...
Creating strong sponsor networks for your...
Creating a strong sponsor network can be a bit daunting when also faced with establishing and driving a strategic change initiative. Especially for those new to a change leadership role, or those new...
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