An excellent recent article from McKinsey on how digital solutions pose new and unique challenges to the implementation of major change efforts set me thinking about the opportunity around the use of...
Audra Proctor
Recent Posts
How Roadmap Pro will accelerate your access to...
In our most recent post in this Roadmap Pro series we took a detailed look at how Roadmap Pro can put data at the heart of your change management and implementation strategy by giving you the...
Get the most from your change assessment tools...
You will have heard of the old saying: garbage in = garbage out. So how do you ensure that your change assessment tools are giving you quality data which will really help deliver a successful change...
Get your organizational engagement processes to...
Creating, and maintaining, a powerful engagement process is the third organizational level critical success factor (CSF) for delivering successful business change. An effective engagement process...
Creating effective change leadership in the face...
We all wish change was easy, but more times than not it is a tough job. Being an effective change leader when faced with resistance and a challenging change environment might at times seem...
Overcoming hurdles to creating a shared...
Driving successful change means balancing the local and organizational factors. Ensuring that the right change elements are focused on by local leaders, while also ensuring the overall organizational...
Aligning local and organizational change factors...
Have you ever witnessed change in an organization that is inconsistently implemented across different parts of the organization? Or a board-driven organizational change that fails to be implemented...
The evolving role of HR in agile organisations:...
As organisations move towards a more agile mindset and operating model, the role of supporting functions, such as Human Resources and Finance, also need to adapt to the new way of working.
Agile Projects Require an Agile Culture |...
Over the last year, more and more of our clients have been talking about an agile culture as their source of competitive advantage. They found that this change in culture required new organizational...
Is your change management capability missing the...
Being agile has become an imperative of the modern organization. More and more of our client organizations are using an agile framework to support their development and innovation. This adds a new...
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