On our research journeys around the web, as we aim to stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations in organizational change management - and change implementation in particular - we come...
Why regular change management risks tracking is...
Recently we have been reviewing the findings of our data research report and taking a look at some key issues including how people continue to be overwhelmed by organizational change, how analysis of...
Our top 10 change implementation blog posts of...
If you are a regular follower of the Changefirst blog you will know that we share quite a bit of content with the community about all things change – and change implementation in particular. But we...
5 key risks that can mean low commitment on your...
In our last post we talked a lot about the importance of using change management data from the past to shape and guide future change planning.
CMI thought Leadership Webinar: The Digital...
We all know that, for most organizations, the pace and volume of change have accelerated in the last few years. There are many drivers of this but one that seems to get most attention is Digital...
2018 data reveals commitment to change projects...
It was over 100 years ago that Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase “I believe that the more you know about the past, the better you are prepared for the future.” And in project and change terms,...
Powerful "cloning" functionality for change plans...
Based on user feedback, we’ve just added a great new feature to our recently launched Roadmap Pro change management platform - that will increase the speed, engagement and agility of your change...
(Change Insights) Key findings of the Power of...
At Changefirst data has always had a central role to play in the planning, implementation and tracking of major change programs. However, this is now getting even more emphasis as we utilize our...
Updates to our privacy policy
Data Protection law is changing, and we want to keep you up to date with the steps Changefirst is taking around this as part of our ongoing commitment to be transparent about how we use your data and...
Why change management is still very much a...
A couple of recent conversations with clients made me reflect on the changes that are taking place in terms of the way change gets “done”- and in particular the interplay between the use of digital...
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